Office Hours:

  • Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Call us for more information: 443-563-2476

We respond to the needs of the whole person.

Caringheart HC Health believes in optimizing successful treatment plans utilizing multifaceted approaches to improve outcomes. We achieve this by setting realistic goals for the future, identifying distorted thought processes or unhelpful behaviors, developing skills to address these problems, pinpointing life events that contributed to this, and finding the best ways to change and adapt to the situation.

Our psychiatric rehabilitation programs provide continuous care in line with our beliefs about therapeutic efficacy. We ascertain including family members as integral parts of our evaluation and individualized treatment plans. All our services are conducted by our clinicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists who are proud of and fulfilled by the contribution they made to those they have served based on the specific circumstances. Set an appointment today.

Reach out and contact us for more information.